\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} \toprule[1.5pt] \makebox[0.3\textwidth][c]{Symbol} &\makebox[0.4\textwidth][c]{Description} & \makebox[0.2\textwidth][c]{Unit} \\ \midrule[1pt] $ C_{res} $& Natural Resource Consumption &\textbackslash\\ $ C_{pol} $& Cost of Environmental Pollution &\textbackslash\\ $ C_{deg} $& Cost of Environmental Degradation &\textbackslash\\ $ N $& Net Primary Production (NPP) &\textbackslash\\ $ Y $& Total Output of an Economic Entity &\textbackslash\\ $ A $& Technology Level of the Economic Entity &\textbackslash\\ $ L $& Labor Put into Production &\textbackslash\\ $ K $& Capital Put into Production &\textbackslash\\ \bottomrule[1.5pt] \end{tabular} \end{center}
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\begin{document} %整篇文章都在document下 \begin{abstract} %摘要部分 Use this template to begin typing the first page (summary page) of your electronic report. This template uses a 12-point Times New Roman font. Submit your paper as an Adobe PDF electronic file (e.g. 1111111.pdf), typed in English, with a readable font of at least 12-point type.
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Papers must be within the 25 page limit.
Be sure to change the control number and problem choice above. You may delete these instructions as you begin to type your report here.
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